trail on a mountain


Welcome to Basecamp.

The monthly email newsletter from P1FCU!

Each month we bring you free tips and strategies to improve your financial well-being and insight into resources you have access to as a P1FCU member. We'll also include some news about what's going on at P1FCU, including branch openings, new products, and what we've been up to in our communities recently. You can receive this newsletter monthly by subscribing below, all we need is your name and email. 

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hand holding credit card with words added benefit of paying off your credit card

September 26 2024

September Edition

As credit card balances have reached record breaking highs over the last year, one goal many Americans have made has been to pay down their debt.1 Aside from freeing up room in your budget, paying off credit card debt has another added benefit: it will usually help you raise your credit score.
key terms: credit card debt, credit score, credit
blueprint with words "building financial foundations"

August 23 2024

August Edition

Many parents hesitate to teach their kids about financial literacy because they feel their own lack of financial savvy makes them unqualified. However, we couldn't disagree more. Teaching your kids financial literacy can be a fantastic learning opportunity for you as well.
key terms: financial literacy, kids, money
cartoons with magnifying glass searching for home with words how to budget for your home search

July 23 2024

July Edition

Summer is prime time for buying a home, and with inventory up 15% compared to this time last year now is a great time to buy. A lot of buyers find themselves caught off guard with all the expenses associated with buying a home, this newsletter breaks down every expense.
key terms: down payments, closing costs, home purchases
books with the words student loans 101 on top

June 18 2024

June Edition

June 30 is the FAFSA filing deadline, what do you know about the Federal Application for Student Aid? If you have a student going to college in the fall, or a rising senior, be sure to read up on these key student loan terms. 
key terms: student loans, FAFSA, college, federal student loans

May 21 2024

May Edition

Debt can feel isolating and paying it off can feel daunting. In reality, a large portion of the American public deals with debt on a regular basis, but understanding the difference between debt that helps and debt that hurts is fundamental to shaping your approach to debt.
key terms: debt, high-interest, mortgages, mental health

April 18 2024

April Edition

Sometimes, life can feel like it's passing us by so quickly that it's easy to get caught up in the present that we forget to plan for the future. A little bit of planning can go a long way. 
key terms: saving goals, emergency savings, 401k, paying off debt
myth busters style graphic that says 5 credit score myths busted

March 19 2024

March Edition

There are a lot of misconceptions about credit scores out there. This month we dive into some of the most common myths about credit scores, plus we share an exciting new tool for parents!
key terms: credit scores, greenlight, fraud prevention
buy now and pay later graphic

February 15 2024

February Edition

Let's dive into the pros and cons of Buy Now, Pay Later Services. Are they right for you? Check out some of our recent community events and an information security tip. 
key terms: short term loans, password security, online shopping