February's Basecamp Newsletter

![]() The Pros |
![]() The Cons |
If you really need something but just need to wait for your paycheck to hit, that can be a reasonable use for buy now pay later services. But if you're using buy now pay later to rationalize a large purchase you don't need, you should reconsider your buy now, pay later habits. A lot of spending and shopping habits are psychological, and choices at checkout can be rationalized a lot more if the price is broken down into smaller payments. That said, in the end, you are still paying full price for that item.
If you want to know more about credit and how it works, be sure to subscribe! Next month's edition of Basecamp will dive into your credit score.
Apply for the P1FCU Scholarship!
Each year we award 15 $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who are P1FCU members. Applications are due March 31st. Click below to download the application packet.Check out our new Meridian Branch
Confirmed: Passphrases are Stronger than Passwords
We know it can be frustrating to set long and complicated passwords. Our tip is to use passphrases instead of passwords. For example, a passphrase is P1FCUismycreditunion! This is much more complicated than a single word and less likely to be guessed, and a phrase might actually be easier to remember than a single word.
Along with using passphrases, make sure to enable multifactor authentication (MFA) when possible. MFA is when you add your cell phone or email address as another layer of security and verification to your account when logging in. MFA makes it much more challenging for hackers to access your account because they shouldn't have access to that secure address or phone number.
Think of how catastrophic it could be if a scammer got access to that one password that you use for everything! Take precautions now and set up strong passwords to keep your account safe.