Forrest scene of evergreen trees

Your Vote Matters

crowd of people in the 1950s

So, you're a customer of a major national bank. Do you agree with what they are doing throughout the institution? Is it time to make your voice heard? Well, unfortunately, your voice isn't easily heard. For most banks, the customer's opinion is not of the most importance. Banks executive management teams answer to millionaire shareholders instead of their millions of customers. Doesn't that sound wrong? Let us tell you a better way to bank, be a member of P1FCU.

You're a member of P1FCU, and you get your October Newsletter talking about an annual meeting. If it's your first time, we're sure you are thinking, "ugh, another meeting, I have enough of those at work." Fortunately, this meeting is nothing like that. Why does P1FCU care if you attend the meeting? We are a member-owned financial cooperative, and since you are a member-owner, your opinion matters. As of January 9th, you can now vote for the four open seats on our Board of Directors. According to our bylaws, this board of directors meets once a month to talk about upcoming events, sponsorships, the current year's progress, and much more. Similar to the United States government, as a member, you elect these members as your representatives in the P1FCU Leadership. Whether you attend the meeting or not, we are still asking for your vote. We are now accepting votes in your local branch or by voting in person at the meeting. By voting, you are exercising your right of being a member of the credit union.

If you would like to join the fun, meet with us at the P1FCU Administration Center on January 26th at 6 PM. There will be announcements for the coming year, and a recap on the past year. 


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