Cash for Classrooms
- Entry is free, unconditional, and does not depend on the purchase of or payment for credit union services.
- One application per individual will be accepted.
- Applicant must fill in each box to be considered.
- Any material that is libelous, defamatory, profane, or obscene will be disqualified.
- P1FCU employees, officials, and members of their immediate families are not eligible.
- Recipients will be chosen by a P1FCU Selection Committee.
- Officials reserve the right to reject any entry that does not conform to regulations is deemed to be objectionable or is of an inappropriate subject matter.
- Officials reserve the right to withhold an award if the selection committee does not receive an application they deem worthy.
- All entries must be submitted to P1FCU by the end of the last day of the month to be considered for next month’s grant.
- P1FCU will be awarding one classroom grant up to $250 each month until further notice.
- Recipients will be notified via email and will be required to provide identification to verify their identity.
- Recipients will be required to provide updates of how their award has impacted their classroom.
- P1FCU will select one recipient each month who will be awarded a $250 for their classroom.
- Recipients agree to have their names and photos published on the P1FCU social media platforms, website, and newsletters.